Chiropractic Massage
Cost: $395.00 plus $10.00 Material Fee
About this class
The major focus of this 3 day course is to explore the techniques of deep tissue manipulation primarily along the spinal column. We will review several of the most common aliments and injuries that you will see in a chiropractic office, (i.e.:whiplash, carpal tunnel syndrome, disk problems…) and learn the difference strokes and stretches that will be beneficial for you to apply in those situations. Some advanced anatomy and medical terminology, along with what to expect when working in a chiropractic office, will also be taught. You will need to bring massage sheets and be prepared to learn a lot and have fun.
Why Us?
Most massage programs have a ‘one size fits all’ standard curriculum that every student follows to completion. We offer many different elective classes for you to choose at convenient times. These courses offer a very advanced level of specialized education taught by experienced instructors.
Here at the Advanced School of Massage Therapy, our 550 Hour program will enable you to take the new California State Exam in order to become a Certified Massage Therapist.