What to expect for your first massage
Being someone that is around it every day, it just occurred to me that perhaps a good number of you are heading to the spa for your first-ever massage.
Read MoreTop 10 Massage Benefits
These are the 10 most common benefits reported from massage therapy: 1. Reduce Stress A relaxing day at the spa is a great way to unwind and de-stress. However, clients…
Read MorePros & Cons of a Massage Therapy Career
If you’re considering a full or part-time career in massage therapy. it’s probably best we give you a real clear look at what that means. The following is an analysis from…
Read MoreDeep Tissue vs. Sports Massage
While massage therapy is generally defined as the manual stimulation and manipulation of your muscles and skin; there are several massage types available depending upon your health and your goals…
Read MoreWhat is the difference between a therapeutic and a clinical massage?
Not all massages are the same, Get the one that is right for you.
Read MoreMassage Therapist industry is growing at a rapid rate
Employment of massage therapists is projected to grow 22 percent from 2014 to 2024, much faster than the average for all occupations. *The median annual Massage Therapist salary is $47,981, as of June 28, 2017,…
Read MoreThe Many Benefits of Massage Therapy
6 Reasons to Get a Massage
Masages are not just a luxury. In fact, massages are an essentila part fo healthy lifestyle. Her are six reasons why people should get massages. Improve your posture: Sitting…
Read MoreUsing Massage therapy for pain Management
If you suffer from chronic pain. You should consider getting a massage on a regular basis. Massage Therapy can help reduce the pain levels and also improves relaxation, sleep, emotions…
Read MoreBenefits of Deep Tissue Massage
Deep tissue massage is a form of massage therapy that is used to realign the deeper layers of the muscles and connective tissue—addressing and resolving underlying problems that can lead…
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